
Tommy Pieñczak, artist, illustrator, Art Director with a passion for design. A master of routine, a traveler, and a hyper-active creator

I have over a decade of experience working as an Art Director, Illustrator, Entrepreneur, and Designer. I’ve collaborated with large international brands, worked on complex projects and campaigns, creating designs that endure to this day. I’ve translated the vast experience I’ve gathered into an individual career path, combining branding and advertising with illustration and artistic development. I prioritize clear visual communication, hitting the essence of the topic at hand. I create visual content focused on brands, campaign themes, and products.

We undertake projects where we don’t limit ourselves in forms. We work in various parts of the world. We draw inspiration from touching many cultures, flavors, and human emotions

We love to shake up our life story at the least expected moments. Since 2014, we’ve visited dozens of countries and hundreds of cities. In 2020, I left my studio in Warsaw’s Powiśle to fulfill my dream and live among palm trees. Since then, we’ve lived and worked in Bali, Barcelona, and Zanzibar, ultimately building a studio in Lanzarote.

Joanna Toboła-Pieñczak is responsible for smooth processes and formal aspects. She has extensive experience gained in leadership and managerial positions in the IT world and beyond.

She oversees communication and effective collaboration with clients. She’s a specialist in personal development and change management. She’s also the author of developmental publications, which she shares through articles, podcasts, and products available on  We’ve combined an agile working approach with knowledge of modern and traditional visual techniques. This allows us to create unique works that we translate into various dimensions and forms: digital world, print, and the art world.

Exhibitions: N22 Prezentuje”, 2023, Warsaw – Solo Show / „Coffee Dealer”, 2023, Gniazdo, Wrocław – Release Event /  „Moodboard”, 2022, Warsaw – Solo Show / „Coffee Dealer”, 2022, Dobra Materia, Warszawa – Release Event / „Plakat Wisi”, 2022, Stary Browar, Poznań – Group Exhibition / “Moodboard” 2022, Havana, Warszawa – Solo show  / “Zacni Przyjaciele”, 2022, Galeria Zacnie, Poznań / “Cover Awards”, 2021, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice /  “NeonArt”, 2019, Centrum Spotkania Kultur, Lublin – Group Exhibition / “20/2020”, 2019, Galeria Zacnie, Poznań – Group Exhibition / “Kontakt”, 2019, Ulica Elekrtyków, Gdańsk – Solo Show / “Everything is OK”, 2019, Tandem, Warsaw – Solo Show / “After Hours”, 2019, Wilcza 13, Warsaw – Group Exhibition / “Swords Warsaw”, 2019, Foodoo, Warsaw – Group Exhibition / “Bez przekazu”, 2019, Warmut, Warsaw – Group Exhibition / 30/30, 2019, Stary Browar, Poznań /  “Bez przekazu”, 2019, Ośrodek Kultury i Sztuki im. Themersonów, Płock – Group Exhibition / “O Tutaj”, 2018, Łódź Design Festival, Łódź – Group Exhibition / “Most”, 2017, Stary Browar, Poznań – Group Exhibition / “Zacny Czwartek”, 2017, Galeria Zacnie, Poznań – Group Exhibition / “Shit Happens”, 2016, Galeria Zacnie, Poznań – Solo Show

Clients & Partners: DHL, Volksvagen, Mc Donald’s, Lantre, Ibis Hotel, Durex, Lech Piwo, Medicine Wear, Gdynia Design Days, Bulliet, Kayax, Muzeum Emigracji w Gdyni,, Manto, Krzysztof Krawczyk, Egmont, Calsberg & Seth & Riley’s,  Pismo Magazine, Estrada Poznańska, U Know Me Records, SBM Label, Focus Park, Coffee Lab,, CK Lublin, Ulica Elektryków, Radio Czwórka, Miesięcznik Znak, Ragu Wrocław, Body Chief, F5 Magazine, Łomża Jasne Pełne, Oficyna Peryferie, Szosa Magazine, Max Flo Records, Tattoo Art Festival, Galeria Bemowo,  Abstrachuje, Element Talks, Zdrowostki.