Neon Brejdaki
“Brejdaki” is a city neon shines in Lublin on the Zamojska street. “Brejdaki” it means brothers, but it symbolizes brothers and sisters and calls for mutual respect between people.
Neon was selected to be implemented as the only one during the “Neon Art” project. The best Polish artists from the fields of typography, graphics, illustrationand designed neons from this action. These were: Edgard Bąk, Katarzyna Bogucka, Patryk Hardziej, Kolektyw Senna (Piotr Jakoweńko, Agata Korba, Sebastian Kucharuk, Natalia Romik), Michał Lewkowicz, Michał Loba, Olek Modzelewski, Jacek Rudzki, Paewł Ryżko, Konrad Smolarski, Studio Full Metal Jacket (Jerzy Gruchot, Wojciech Koss) oraz Studio UVMW (Robert Mendel, Jacek Walesiak).
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See my other projects and Instagram where you can see current illustrations, progress of projects and adventures.