FoodPorn Bar
Full visual identification for the FoodPorn Bar restaurant with pizzo – burgers, pizzas and salads. We have created a colorful world that is like the explosions of flavors and compositions that are contained in their original dishes. The designed elements are: logo for FoodPorn Bar, the main characteristic element – illustrative “PizzoBurger”, icons, stickers, menu in the restaurant, menu in leaflets, vouchers, letters for customers, packaging, pizza cartons, clothes, neon for the interior, graphics for the exterior the website of the place, posts on social media, and also … a tattoo.

In the FoodPorn Bar project, we also created non-standard projects, including: a real tattoo, a neon for a restaurant, a series of t-shirts, plastic toys, and screen printed pizza cartons.

The “Food Porn Bar” studio has good visibility – the external site has been designed based on illustrative themes connected with the necessary information. The whole thing was placed on the windows of restaurant.

For restaurants, digital forms have also been created – here are posts that support promotional campaigns in social media.

Thanks for watching
See my other projects and Instagram where you can see current illustrations, projects in progress and adventures.